A proper and thorough advice and an ideal tax planning happens, no doubt, through a careful financial and fiscal planning, taking into account a personalized study of the present financial situation in order to lessen to the legal minimum the tax burden.

With financial planning we can cover a wide variety of areas:  patrimonial transmissions, donations, inheritances. The planning should be done taking into account factors, as the fiscal frame, wealth, present and future revenues. We can make a study to calculate and to value the tax effects, reducing the tributary quota to minimal levels, to assure a maximum saving for our clients in the payment of their bills.

The services that our law firm offers are:

Company tax:

  • Survey before the beginning of the activity
  • Commercial name and trade mark
  • Rules and regulation of the company
  • Title deed of the constitution of the company in the Notary and other official entities
  • Tax office registration

Income tax:

  • For individuals
  • Different taxation systems (direct, simplified, estimate)
  • accounting books and VAT

Value added Tax (VAT):

  • Book keeping and VAT
  • Annual declaration
  • Intracommunitarian operations

Other areas:

  • Wealth tax
  • Inheritance tax
  • Counseling in case of debts
  • Tax office inspections
  • Tax office proceeding
  • Presentation of application forms for all kinds of tax office certificates

Financial planning and accounting

Accounting is one of the most important areas of the running of a company and if it is properly done, it becomes a necessary source of information and a reliable data base. We offer our technical and specialized advice in all the areas of book-keeping taking into account the ever changing law of commerce and tax laws.

Labor advising

In an ever changing labor environment it is of utmost importance to have a reliable advice on the different types of contracts that your company might need.

Labor advising

In an ever changing labor environment it is of utmost importance to have a reliable advice on the different types of contracts that your company might need.

Our office will inform you about all the advantages of different kinds of contracts and all the benefits and subsidies that you can obtain.

The services that our office offers are:

  • Lists and Social Insurances
  • Inscription of the company in the Social Security office
  • Legalization of Books of Visits
  • Confection of lists.
  • Calculation of indemnifications
  • Layoffs of employees, temporary suspension or permanent termination of employment
  • Study and application of bonuses and subsidies
  • Cost calculation per employee
  • Confection and calculation of social insurances (Tc1 and Tc2).
  • Pensions and individual survey of the benefits of early or partial retirement
  • Labor law court trials and proceedings

Fernández Cuevas Lawyers: Furthering our clients expectations.


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